onsdag 22 januari 2014

Painted my first lips.

tisdag 21 januari 2014

Alter ego

The pose is a bit awkward and I can't draw feet or hands.

lördag 18 januari 2014

"Jace Wayland. Demon Hunter."

fredag 17 januari 2014

'Not Dead'

I made Sherlock and he doesn't look too derpy! HURRAY

söndag 12 januari 2014

Trying to learn more about this art program...

söndag 5 januari 2014

Brenna Morrigan's Every Flavour Poppy Corns!

Linnie (Pauline): Does anyone know if it's possible to delete just one repeated class from the calendar?
Brenna: It should be - lemme pop in and see
T.: Brenna is best popcorn ever
Brenna: ugh Rex calls me a lemon and you call me popcorn
T.: Brenna Morrigan's Every Flavour Poppy Corns